Long time Bitquery user here needs help with a query, it would be very useful if someone could point me in the right direction. I need a query that can find:
Uniswap/PancakeSwap V2 pairs created in the last 30 days where the
trade volume of the pair is greater than 1k USD.
I have spent hours scanning through queries, especially by gaurav, with queries that either find the newest pairs but with no volume filter, or a volume filter but no latest pairs. I need one query that can include pairs created in the last 30 days ONLY if their volume is greater than 1k. Looping through each of these decoded pairs to confirm their volume is too inefficient.
I have tried both ethereum arguments, ethereum dexTrades, and streaming (EVM) to no avail
Please help and tell me if this is possible! I have thought about possibly using fragments or variables, also to no avail.