How do we get pending transactions for the specified address of the blockchain network?

Tracking pending transactions for any address is straightforward now with the Bitquery API. This tool allows users to access real-time data on transactions not yet confirmed on the blockchain.

For instance, by using the API, we can find out if any transactions from a specific address, such as “0xcDE4EF6F3D13807c513a08376Fd56723796784A0,” are currently pending.

Additionally, Bitquery provides extensive support for extracting various types of complex data from any blockchain. To explore this functionality, users can create an account on the Bitquery using Bitquery and refer to the documentation at Your First Query | Blockchain Data API (V2).

Bitquery API link: Mempool transaction in BSC - Blockchain Data API of pending transactions in the BSC network. For Tron: Tron mempool transfers - Blockchain Data API.

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Pending transactions in any blockchain network “”