Blockchain Address related data using Bitquery Explorer

In this post, we will describe how to get different data related to a blockchain address such as transactions, balance, senders, trades, money flow. etc using Bitquery Explorer.

Bitquery Explorer is our data showcase that shows details about various blockchain networks, transactions, addresses, currencies etc.

Let’s get started!!

The first and foremost step is putting the address in Bitquery Explorer’s search bar. We’ll take “0x477573f212a7bdd5f7c12889bd1ad0aa44fb82aa” as an example.

Now you need to choose the blockchain whose data you want to access and click on that link

For this example, we’ll choose Ethereum Mainnet as I want this address data on Ethereum.

Balance of an Address

Under the Address tab on the left, you have a list of all the currencies that have been sent or received by this address and on the right, you have the address balance by currencies.

Also in the top right corner of the page, you have an option to select the date range for which you want to get all the data related to a particular address.

Checking API behind the data

As we said, our explorer is a showcase of our data. In other words, you can actually check the API for all the data shown on the explorer. To check the API behind the data click on the “Open GraphQL IDE”, button on the bottom right of their respective data widget and you will see the balance API.


Our GraphQL IDE is an interface to create, test, share and save your APIs, additionally, it also shows a lot of other information under the profile section related to your APIs usage, billing etc.

So once you click on “Open GraphQL IDE”, you will see the following interface.

You can click on the prettify button to display the query in a more understandable language.

Transactions of an Address

Clicking on the Transactions tab gives you the details of all the transactions made from that address like the timestamp, the block, receiver, hash of the transaction and the gas cost.

The query for the same can be generated using the Open GraphQL IDE as follows:

Transfers of an Address

Under the Inflow tab, you get information about the currency and the amount that has been received by the address along with the time stamp, block, sender and transaction hash.

The above results can be obtained by running this query, which can also be obtained by clicking on the Open GraphQL IDE button.

Just like the inflow tab, we have an Outflow tab giving the information about the currency and the amount that has been sent from the address along with the time stamp, block, sender and the transaction hash. This information can be obtained using the following query.

Address interacted with Contracts

The Call Contracts tab gives details about the smart contracts related to the address searched. You can fetch information like the smart contract, block, timestamp, method, gas cost, and transaction hash.

These can also be obtained by running this query as follows.

Tracing Transactions of an Address

Money flow tab gives a graphical representation of all the transfers related to an address along with the information about the senders, receivers, currency etc. It also helps you find sources and destinations of funds.

There are two views for the information here, the Graph and the Sankey. From the drop-down menu at the top left corner of the page, you can change the currency for which you want the information too.

In the graph representation, you can change the depth level for inbound and outbound transfers to dig more into sources and destinations, i.e., which address has sent the currency and who were its previous holders etc you can also select the level of details by moving the slider on the top right corner. In the graph, the turquoise symbols represent normal addresses, the yellow gears represent a smart contract, and the orange disks represent tokens.

On increasing the inbound level you get the information about who were the holders of the token before you.

Similarly, you can increase the depth level of the outbound transactions to get to know the addresses that held the token after being transferred by you.

Again, you can very easily get the query to get all this data using the GraphQL IDE button at the bottom right corner.

Now moving on to the Sankey representation
The incoming lines towards the Central partition from the left represent the inbound transfers, the one’s emerging from the central line and spreading out on the right represent the outbound transfers. The rectangular block on the central line represents the address for which the information is being found. If you take a close look, you can even spot the tiny arrows marking the direction of the flow of token.

On increasing the depth level for the inbound and outbound transfers we can see the previous history of the flow, which addresses had the currency, the exchange methods etc. Similarly, for the outbound transfers, you can see the addresses that received currency, how the amount was further divided and sent to various addresses and the method and exchange names too.