hey Aleksey, i’ve created this, to list all senders, via transactions cube.
However, I also need to filter for certain methods.
Which is best cube that will facilitate below code, and allow for filtering by method (which shows up in transaction (per etherscan / transactions tab)?
when i run this for all of June, if i sum results of “count”, i get 160,683.
I created the following code, and i get a different sum amount:
query MyQuery {
ethereum {
options: {desc: “count”, limit: 10000}
date: {since: “21-06-30”, till: “21-06-30”}
smartContractAddress: {is: “0x11111112542d85b3ef69ae05771c2dccff4faa26”} #smartContractMethod: {is: “unoswap”}
) {
count(uniq: txs) #transaction { #txFrom { #address