Identifying unique traders within a protocol/LP

hey guys, looking to pull data from a protocol. This response doesn’t seem right.
$59m in trade amount, 1000 trades, 33 unique takers…
would have thought there’d me a lot more takers for 59mil in trading, no?
And more takers given there was 1000 trades (count(unique:txs)).
Filtered for whole protocol. Returning trades made in all their LPs, each day.

query MyQuery {
ethereum {
options: {asc: “”}
protocol: {is: “One Inch Liquidity Pool”}
) {
date {
date(format: “%y-%m-%d”)
tradeAmount(in: USD, calculate: sum)
buyAmount(in: USD, calculate: sum)
sellAmount(in: USD, calculate: sum)
takers: count(uniq: takers)
trades: count(uniq: txs)

Also, also i’m assuming buy / sell amount is: buying one particular token in a pool / selling other token in a pool. So theoretically should tradeAmount be the sum of buyAmount and sellAmount?
It doesnt’ seem to be the case with query above.

eg, 21-2-20:
tradeAmount 113,958,221
buyAmount 115,594,360
sellAmount 113,875,160
takers: 41
trades: 1509

Does this results suggest, 41 takers bought AND sold $113m each way?

Maker creates order and buy / sell is defined against maker, Taker is opposite side of the trade, but usually in case of smart contract protocols takers can smart contracts buying tokens. Because many protocols do not have orderbooks, So many time makers are pools …and smart contracts itself buy tokens in the process of exchanging tokens… therefore becoming takers.

So takers - 1, is true number of unique traders coming to pool to swap tokens?
This data is filtered on “One Inch Liquidity Pool” so the whole protocol, and date for 1 day.
Do you think it seems likely that only 41 unique traders interacted with the whole protocol on 1 day, for a total of $113m? Also if the 41 number includes the ETH-1INCH and any other pools that were interacted with - it seems this figure is unlikely to be correct. Could you explain if you disagree?
So what exactly is the definitition of the tradeAmountUSD?
I was assuming its the USD value (at the time of swap) of tokens initiated for swap, by traders coming to pool? So for example $1000 of 1inch comes to the pool, to exchange for ETH.
Is the tradeAmountUSD $1000 for this swap?

Buy amount and sell amount and trade amount can be different

For example - let’s say 1 eth is $2800 and 1 BTC is $3500 so in a trade-in we take the smaller value to calculate the trade amount.

thanks Gaurav. Can you assist with question above?

hey Gaurav, also i’ve found this doesn’t make sense to me:

These graphs suggest in Jun-21 the number of trades has decreased significantly from prior month (so far)… but trader addresses has increased more than previous month already (11th Jun - half way through the month)…

This doesn’t seem correct. I would assume as “Trader addressses” (number of traders interacting with this LP) increases, the “trades count” would increase as well…

Would be keen to hear anyone’s thoughts and bitquery team.

(Ethereum Mainnet DEX Trades)