So takers - 1, is true number of unique traders coming to pool to swap tokens?
This data is filtered on “One Inch Liquidity Pool” so the whole protocol, and date for 1 day.
Do you think it seems likely that only 41 unique traders interacted with the whole protocol on 1 day, for a total of $113m? Also if the 41 number includes the ETH-1INCH and any other pools that were interacted with - it seems this figure is unlikely to be correct. Could you explain if you disagree?
So what exactly is the definitition of the tradeAmountUSD?
I was assuming its the USD value (at the time of swap) of tokens initiated for swap, by traders coming to pool? So for example $1000 of 1inch comes to the pool, to exchange for ETH.
Is the tradeAmountUSD $1000 for this swap?