Using the dexTrades cube, querying 1inch lp, returned 149 addresses. Per 1inch app there are 179 pools. 1inch operates on Ethereum, BSC and recently Polygon (Matic).
It appears there is no cube to call for BSC. Here is code:
Some protocol’s have a factory contract. Is best way to use [smartContractEvent: {is: “PairCreated”},], to be sure I have all Pools related to a particular protocol? But this assumes there’s a factory contract that creates the pools for every protocol. Would there be another way?
1inch is the new iteration of Mooniswap. This ‘mooniswap delpoyer’ contract, deploys v1.1 1inch LPs.
I’ve noticed there weren’t any ‘event’ emitted, but this is definitely the contract that deploys LPs - they’re listed on Interan Txns tab. Can we pull these internal transactions via GraphQl? Or perhaps there’s another way of identifying LPs, knowing that this is deployer?
I haven’t looked into BSC yet - thought I’d sort out Ethereum contract first.