I got the result of transaction hash “0xcef5cdf660f26690358db165e3ec8e7475e584783f3204b032337c3b7c4a319a” from bitquery:
We can see the Gas Cost is 0.001922027929731072. I got the “gasValue”=0.001922027929731072 and “gasPrice”=91.525144576 from graphGL.
But I got different result from other explorer site for this transaction:
1.Etherscan: Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan
(Sorry, the new user can only insert 2 links and 1 attachment. But we can found the result by searching the transaction hash on blockchair explorer)
We can find the transaction fee is 0.001922027966586 for both.
Also this is not a specific issue. I checked most transactions have the same issue, the 10th digit after decimal point would be different.
Is bitquery displaying the gas cost in a different way? If so, how can I get the exact transaction fee? Is there a formulation? If not, is it a bug of bitquery or if it would be fixed in the nearly future?