Contract Events data doesn't match Etherscan's data

Hi guys,
I am trying out the smart contract events api and the data doesn’t seem to match with what I see in etherscan. At 13:04:00 UTC on 25th August, this is the bitquery query I tried :

ethereum(network: ethereum){
arguments(options: { limit: 1000}
time: {since: "2021-08-25T11:00:00"},  
smartContractAddress: {is: "0xBd3531dA5CF5857e7CfAA92426877b022e612cf8"},
smartContractEvent: {is: "Transfer"})

And this is the result I got :

  "ethereum": {
    "arguments": [
        "count": 42

Whereas Etherscan shows only 25 transactions overall in the past ~6 hours (from 13:04:00 UTC on 25th Aug) for the same contract. Is my query incorrect somehow?

There must have been some kind of misunderstanding or miscalculation. I just checked Etherscan and it seems like at the time I checked (11:12 PM IST) the data shown by Etherscan was of 50 transactions as shown in the below screenshot.

And when I this GraphQL query

  ethereum(network: ethereum) {
      options: {limit: 1000}
      time: {since: "2021-08-25T16:00:00Z"}
      smartContractAddress: {is: "0xBd3531dA5CF5857e7CfAA92426877b022e612cf8"}
      smartContractEvent: {is: "Transfer"}
    ) {

it returned 51 as the count (keep in mind that at the time the transactions in Etherscan were being displayed, there were 3 pending transactions already loading) as shown in the screenshot below.

Hi Sayon,
Thanks for the reply. If you check your screenshot, only some of those 50 transactions are Transfer From methods and the rest are other methods, mostly Approval methods. If you look at the PPG smart contract here : PPG Token, the ERC721.sol file, you can see that Transfer event is not emitted by either of the Approval methods. Does this mean the is: “Transfer” event filter is not working for whatever reason?