Cannot get argument value of event

This is link to the events:

With this query below, I cannot get value of “amount”. It’s empty. Please support me to resolve it.

query MyQuery {
ethereum(network: bsc_testnet) {
smartContractAddress: {is: “0x0F41aC3258123b1998225aFc950E543612128DBA”}
options: {desc: “block.height”, limitBy: {each: “roundId”, limit: 1}}
any: {argument: {is: “roundId”}, value: {is: “3”}}
smartContractEvent: {is: “UserJoined”}
) {
block {
roundId: any(of: argument_value, argument: {is: “roundId”})
amount: any(of: argument_value, argument: {is: “amount”})
transaction {

What should be the value of “amount”? Can you tell by an example? Where can I find the value of “amount” in the below screenshot?

You can see in the log of transaction. For example, this link: Binance Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | BscScan

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The value is returned in NUMER form. The following query does the work.

If you use the dropdown and change the HEX to NUMBER, you might see the desired result.

“amount: any(of: argument_value)” → It returns value of roundId. What I’d like to get is the value of “amount”.

Please update your query as below. You will see that amount = 2 = roundId. It’s incorrect.
query MyQuery {
ethereum(network: bsc_testnet) {
smartContractAddress: {is: “0x0F41aC3258123b1998225aFc950E543612128DBA”}
options: {desc: “block.height”, limitBy: {each: “roundId”, limit: 5}}
any: {argument: {is: “roundId”}, value: {is: “2”}}
smartContractEvent: {is: “UserJoined”}
) {
block {
roundId: any(of: , argument_value, argument: {is: “roundId”})
amount: any(of: argument_value)
transaction {

I shared the query here: