Understanding 'Count' & 'limit / limitBy'?

Hi Everyone, I was wondering, can someone explain ‘count’ to me? I’m running a query, and I’d like to return more than one of the same information from the same wallet smart contract address. So for example, if the same address in particular had xx deposits during a xx amount of time. like 4 Deposits in 1 hour. I thought count might be the right thing to use, and also doing options: {desc: “block.timestamp.time”, limitBy: {each: “caller.address”, limit: 1}, limit: 10} but i don’t think i understand how limit within a limit works…? Please help!

Please share your query, and explain what you trying to achieve.

So, think of count as an SQL count function that can count different metrics related to results.

LimitBy limits the result based on each and limit, and limit standalone will limit the overall results

in above question

options: {desc: “block.timestamp.time”, limitBy: {each: “caller.address”, limit: 1}, limit: 10}

You are limit overall results to 10 , and this result will have 1 caller.address, so limitBy works like Group by