Unable to maintain ws connection in nodejs

Hi, this is the best I could do, it receives a couple of objects at best and then disconnects, why?

import { WebSocket, WebSocketServer } from "ws";

const BQ_API_KEY = process.env.BQ_API_KEY;

const BITQUERY_WS_URL = "wss://streaming.bitquery.io/graphql";

const bitqueryConnection = new WebSocket(BITQUERY_WS_URL, "graphql-ws");

const lps = ["0xc74b026fab49d2380ffc6f53908c2ae6d14aa3b6"];

bitqueryConnection.on("open", () => {
  console.log("Connected to Bitquery.");

  const message = JSON.stringify({
    type: "start",
    id: "1",
    payload: {
      query: `
      subscription RealTimeLP($lps: [String!]) {
        EVM(network: eth) {
                where: {
                    BalanceUpdate: { Address: { in: $lps } },
                    Currency: { SmartContract: { is: "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2" }}
            ) {
                balance: sum(of: BalanceUpdate_Amount)
                Address: BalanceUpdate {
      variables: { lps },
    headers: {
      "X-API-KEY": BQ_API_KEY,


bitqueryConnection.on("message", (data) => {
  const response = JSON.parse(data);
  if (response.type === "data") {
    // Broadcast the data to all connected clients of your local server
    console.log("Received data from Bitquery: ", response.payload.data);

bitqueryConnection.on("close", () => {
  console.log("Disconnected from Bitquery.");

Please advise, ty!

Ok, solved it, please advise if this is correct

import { WebSocket } from "ws";

const BQ_API_KEY = process.env.BQ_API_KEY;
const BITQUERY_WS_URL = "wss://streaming.bitquery.io/graphql";

const lps = ["0xc74b026fab49d2380ffc6f53908c2ae6d14aa3b6"];
let attempt = 0;

function startBitqueryConnection() {
  const bitqueryConnection = new WebSocket(BITQUERY_WS_URL, "graphql-ws");

  bitqueryConnection.on("open", () => {
    console.log("Connected to Bitquery.");
    attempt = 0;

    // Sending the initialisation message immediately
    const initMessage = JSON.stringify({
      type: "connection_init",
      payload: {},

    setTimeout(() => {
      // Then, send the subscription message after a short delay to ensure initialization is processed
      const message = getSubscriptionMessage(lps);
    }, 1000);

  bitqueryConnection.on("message", (data) => {
    const response = JSON.parse(data);
    if (response.type === "data") {
        "Received data from Bitquery:",
        JSON.stringify(response.payload.data, null, 2)

  bitqueryConnection.on("close", (code, reason) => {
    console.log(`Disconnected from Bitquery. Code: ${code}, Reason: ${reason}`);
    const delay = Math.min(30000, Math.pow(2, attempt++) * 1000);
    console.log(`Reconnecting in ${delay / 1000} seconds...`);
    setTimeout(startBitqueryConnection, delay);

  bitqueryConnection.on("error", (error) => {
    console.log("Error with Bitquery WebSocket connection:", error);

function getSubscriptionMessage(lps) {
  return JSON.stringify({
    type: "start",
    id: "1",
    payload: {
      query: `
      subscription {
        EVM(network: eth) {
          Blocks {
            Block {
      variables: {},
    headers: {
      "X-API-KEY": BQ_API_KEY,


Hello…Is this example working for you ?

Bitquery_Javascript (6dst9h4j) - PasteCode.io

I have tested it, it never disconnects…

I modified you code.

const { WebSocket, WebSocketServer } = require("ws");

const BQ_API_KEY = 'dfd';
const BITQUERY_WS_URL = "wss://streaming.bitquery.io/graphql";

const bitqueryConnection = new WebSocket(BITQUERY_WS_URL, ["graphql-ws"], {
    headers: {
        "Authorization": `Bearer ${BQ_API_KEY}`

const lps = ["0xc74b026fab49d2380ffc6f53908c2ae6d14aa3b6"];

bitqueryConnection.on("open", () => {
    console.log("Connected to Bitquery.");

    // Send initialization message
    const initMessage = JSON.stringify({ type: 'connection_init' });

    // After initialization, send the actual subscription message
    setTimeout(() => {
        const message = JSON.stringify({
            type: "start",
            id: "1",
            payload: {
                query: `
                subscription RealTimeLP($lps: [String!]) {
                    EVM(network: eth) {
                            where: {
                                BalanceUpdate: { Address: { in: $lps } },
                                Currency: { SmartContract: { is: "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2" }}
                        ) {
                            balance: sum(of: BalanceUpdate_Amount)
                            Address: BalanceUpdate {
                variables: { lps },

    }, 1000);

bitqueryConnection.on("message", (data) => {
    const response = JSON.parse(data);
    if (response.type === "data") {
        // Broadcast the data to all connected clients of your local server
        console.log("Received data from Bitquery: ", response.payload.data);

bitqueryConnection.on("close", () => {
    console.log("Disconnected from Bitquery.");

bitqueryConnection.on('error', (error) => {
    console.error('WebSocket Error:', error);

It works for me ( It do not get disconnected )

Can you please try this ?

Ok, this works now! what was the change?

I need help with the query, I need it to return the entire balance not just the update for the block, right now it returns the balance updates on the block, but I actually need the whole lp balance with the latest block, what can I do?
