Minimum(of: time) returning 1970-01-01

How come this query returns 1970-01-01 as minimum time even though I tried to filter invalid times like this?

    query ($address: String!, $eventType: String!) {
      ethereum(network: ethereum) {
          smartContractEvent: { is: $eventType }
          txFrom: { is: $address }
          time: { since: "2000-01-01" } # Filter invalid dates like 1970-01-01!
        ) {
          minimum(of: time)

I get this:

  "ethereum": {
    "smartContractEvents": [
        "minimum": "1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"

Include a field other than time,

query ($address: String!, $eventType: String!) {
  ethereum(network: ethereum) {
      smartContractEvent: {is: $eventType}
      txFrom: {is: $address}
      time: {after: "2000-01-01"}
    ) {
      minimum(of: time)
      smartContractEvent {

this returns empty, there were no events of that type executed by that address after the specified time.

Need to check why the schema works this way …