for usdc there is 1,037,667 holders
i want to find only smart-contracts adresses from this 1,037,667 holders
how is it possible to do it with graphql - please can you help?
thank you
for usdc there is 1,037,667 holders
i want to find only smart-contracts adresses from this 1,037,667 holders
how is it possible to do it with graphql - please can you help?
thank you
This might help
ethereum(network: ethereum) {
date: {since: "2021-08-08", till: null}
baseCurrency: {is: "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48"}
) {
trades: count
takers: count(uniq: takers)
makers: count(uniq: makers)
address {
We don’t have token holder API however you can check like this
cc @sayon
@eugenereznikdesign does this solve your primary problem/question?