Get the correct information OHLC

Hello community, I am using your services to obtain candles to use in the tradingview library.

I am currently accessing data on sushiswap from two example OHM / DAI pairs.

The query is as follows

  ethereum(network: ethereum) {
      options: {asc: "timeInterval.minute"}
      date: {since: "2021-03-07T18:20:21.000Z", till: "2021-11-27T18:20:21.000Z"}
      exchangeAddress: {is: "0xc0aee478e3658e2610c5f7a4a2e1777ce9e4f2ac"}
      baseCurrency: {is: "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f"}
      quoteCurrency: {is: "0x383518188C0C6d7730D91b2c03a03C837814a899"}
      tradeAmountUsd: {gt: 20}
    ) {
      timeInterval {
        minute(format: "%FT%TZ", count: 10)
      volume: quoteAmount
      high: quotePrice(calculate: maximum)
      low: quotePrice(calculate: minimum)
      open: minimum(of: block, get: quote_price)
      close: maximum(of: block, get: quote_price)
      baseCurrency {

The answer comes, but the data in Open, High, Low, Close is wrong

It should come this way

time: 1632959760000,
open: 721.5355829329836,
high: 721.8087027744336,
low: 721.5355829329836,
close: 721.8087027744336,
volume: 18949.105844776514
time: 1632959820000,
open: 717.5193664229853,
high: 717.5193664229853,
low: 717.5193664229853,
close: 717.5193664229853,
volume: 1742.1370216750083
time: 1632960000000,
open: 722.7703622487928,
high: 722.7703622487928,
low: 722.7703622487928,
close: 722.7703622487928,
volume: 99999.99999999999

I appreciate your help, surely I need to convert the data?

You need flip base and quote currency.

Also need to change the sorting from asc from desc.