Ethereum Whale Activity Analysis

Getting to know Crypto Whales

‘Crypto whales’ are investors (a very rich person or an institution) who have a significantly large holding in a particular cryptocurrency compared to retail investors. With their buying/selling power, they can influence the price of respective crypto tokens and disrupt crypto markets with relative ease.

It is therefore critical to identify such whales and track their trading activity in order to profit from it or simply to avoid being on the losing end of a trade.

Knock, knock. Who’s there?


This address received a whopping 247979 ETH = Twenty Five Crores in INR on November 22 ( 2022-11-22 20:39:35) . So we took the address and analysed it.

It is probably a cold wallet! Why?

No ETH sent out for the past 8 years?

Except for this transfer, the wallet hasn’t had any inbound or outbound transfers for 8 years. We have probably stumbled upon a cold wallet meant to be unearthed in a few years. Here is a query that checks how many transactions (in or out) were made from or to the wallet.

query ($network: EthereumNetwork!, $address: String!, $from: ISO8601DateTime, $till: ISO8601DateTime, $limit: Int!, $offset: Int!)  
ethereum(network: $network) {  
date: {since: $from, till: $till}  
amount: {gt: 0}  
any: [{receiver: {is: $address}}, {sender: {is: $address}}]  
options: {limit: $limit, offset: $offset,  
desc: ["count_in", "count_out"], asc: "currency.symbol"}  
) {  
sum_in: amount(calculate: sum, receiver: {is: $address})  
sum_in_usd: amount(in: USD, calculate: sum, receiver: {is: $address})  
sum_out: amount(calculate: sum, sender: {is: $address})  
sum_out_usd: amount(in: USD, calculate: sum, sender: {is: $address})  
count_in: count(receiver: {is: $address})  
count_out: count(sender: {is: $address})  
currency {  

## Parameters  


"ethereum": {  
"transfers": [  
"sum_in": 247979.49566660725,  
"sum_in_usd": 279470318.58726525,  
"sum_out": 0,  
"sum_out_usd": 0,  
"count_in": 3,  
"count_out": 0,  
"currency": {  
"address": "-",  
"symbol": "ETH",  
"tokenType": ""  

Build your own Whale Analysis Dashboard with Bitquery’s Graphql IDE

Let’s find all the whales in the ETH Network

query ($network: EthereumNetwork!, $dateFormat: String!, $from: ISO8601DateTime, $till: ISO8601DateTime) {  
ethereum(network: $network) {  
options: {asc: ""}  
date: {since: $from, till: $till}  
amount: {gt: 200000}  
) {  
date: date {  
date(format: $dateFormat)  
count: countBigInt  
to {  
currency {  
## Parameters  
"offset": 0,  
"network": "ethereum",

"from": "2022-11-01",  
"till": "2022-11-24T23:59:59",  
"dateFormat": "%Y-%m-%d"  
"ethereum": {  
"transactions": [  
"date": {  
"date": "2022-11-08"  
"count": "1",  
"gasValue": 0.002244699964309504,  
"amount": 260268.4828216322,  
"to": {  
"address": "0x18ea0000a02d32b230cf2999b9718a7cdee345f9"  
"currency": {  
"symbol": "ETH",  
"name": "Ether"  
"date": {  
"date": "2022-11-09"  
"count": "1",  
"gasValue": 0.0017502595710976,  
"amount": 799999.9999999999,  
"to": {  
"address": "0x28c6c06298d514db089934071355e5743bf21d60"  
"currency": {  
"symbol": "ETH",  
"name": "Ether"  
"date": {  
"date": "2022-11-22"  
"count": "1",  
"gasValue": 0.001577511154614272,  
"amount": 247979.49119774494,  
"to": {  
"address": "0x195b91ccebd51aa61d851fe531f5612dea4efbfd"  
"currency": {  
"symbol": "ETH",  
"name": "Ether"  

That’s an interesting address!

Using the responses above, we singled out this address.


This address which has 799999 ETH = seven hundred seventy three million INR also holds 1238 other coins, some of which I didn’t know existed.

We can identify a diversified portfolio from this wallet as an example.

NVIDIA Metaverse? Warner Bros NFTs? Our Explorer allows you to view different analytics about an address if you’re curious about it.

From Lamborghini to Ghibli Park NFTs , the holdings can easily rise or fall in value depending on market fluctuations, since they are ERC20 tokens.

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