Difference between transactions and transfers functions

I have tried to extract the information on the same block number from bsc; as an example, block number 1.
The two functions return different information and I need help interpreting the result.

If I look into the transfer function for data at block number 1, I only get one result, as below:
“ethereum”: {
“transfers”: [
“block”: {
“timestamp”: {
“time”: “2020-08-29 03:24:09”
“height”: 1
“sender”: {
“address”: “0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000”,
“annotation”: null
“receiver”: {
“address”: “0x2a7cdd959bfe8d9487b2a43b33565295a698f7e2”,
“annotation”: null
“currency”: {
“address”: “-”,
“symbol”: “BNB”
“amount”: 0,
“transaction”: {
“hash”: “0x04055304e432294a65ff31069c4d3092ff8b58f009cdb50eba5351e0332ad0f6”
“external”: true

If I look into transactions at block number 1, I get 7 entries, all of them are in BNB. As an example, I paste one of them:

“ethereum”: {
“transactions”: [
“block”: {
“timestamp”: {
“time”: “2020-08-29 03:24:09”
“height”: 1
“amount”: 0,
“address”: {
“address”: “0x2a7cdd959bfe8d9487b2a43b33565295a698f7e2”,
“annotation”: null
“hash”: “0x2f64d7e926e6fb62f906e18258097af179c213f0c87a717476cce1b334049797”,
“gasValue”: 0,
“currency”: {
“name”: “Binance Smart Chain Native Token”,
“symbol”: “BNB”

How should I interpret this difference? Both entries are with amount 0 and in the same currency of BNB, but I get in transactions function the entry that transfer function would not return.

1 transaction can have multiple transfers.

Transactions change the state of the blockchain, it might send money, update a smart contract, or any other generic thing.

However a transfer in our APIs meaning money transfer information (Native coin or Altcoin).

Does it answers your question?

Yes this is helpful. Thank you!