Dex trades history for smart contract

hi, is it possible to have the query for the exchanges of a particular token?

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Please check this query

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thanks for your reply, but so i only see the sales of usdc and not the purchases.
How can I find them?

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        "block": {
          "timestamp": {
            "time": "2022-11-07 19:55:47"
          "height": 15920372
        "tradeIndex": "10",
        "protocol": "Uniswap v2",
        "exchange": {
          "fullName": "Uniswap"
        "baseAmount": 11611.984611676535,
        "baseCurrency": {
          "address": "0x8dbf9a4c99580fc7fd4024ee08f3994420035727",
          "symbol": "ECO",
          "name": "ECO"
        "base_amount_usd": 0,
        "quoteAmount": 318.972745,
        "quoteCurrency": {
          "address": "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
          "symbol": "USDC",
          "name": "USD//C"
        "quote_amount_usd": 319.0334321248508,
        "transaction": {
          "hash": "0xdd23ad3b58021cdc9a8ac982377d3d920ca9649851774eebb57dbff9c339f5fc"
        "gasPrice": 21.230614528,
        "sellCurrency": {
          "symbol": "ECO"


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