Access tx info for pairs

Below I have a query that returns contracts with the pair created event on bsc. I’ve been trying to modify this to give me a breakdown of tx info, for each of the tx hashes. For example how can I find out if in each tx event tokens were sent and how much of it was sent?

ethereum(network: bsc) {
smartContractAddress: {in: “0xbcfccbde45ce874adcb698cc183debcf17952812”}
smartContractEvent: {is: “PairCreated”}
options: {desc: [“block.height”, “index”], limit: 30}
date: {since: “2021-06-12”}
) {
block {
pair: any(of: argument_value, argument: {is: “pair”})
token0: any(of: argument_value, argument: {is: “token0”})
token0Name: any(of: argument_value, argument: {is: “token0”}, as: token_symbol)
token1: any(of: argument_value, argument: {is: “token1”})
token1Name: any(of: argument_value, argument: {is: “token1”}, as: token_symbol)
transaction {

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