isnt it the same query as the one in the tutorial code ? and Yes i tried it yesterday just to make sure that the query does return something , and it was giving the relevant candle data
but then again why does it return empty array when its used inside of bitquery.js in the tutorial ?
Any information on how to subscribe to bitQuery. I’ve been working on a project similar to this and I can’t get a live chart no matter what I’ve tried. Any information about this would be greatly appreciated.
You can smoothen the data through a few filters like
priceAsymmetry - use something like priceAsymmetry: {lteq: 20}, this basically removes trades where both sides of USD price difference is more than 20 dollar.
tradeAmountUsd - use something link tradeAmountUsd: {gteq: 1}, this basically remove trades less than 1 dollar.
but when i changing the chart to 5mins it will not load but it shows no error on console i think the problem is updating the chart, its hard it to me i can’t find any documentation about this
Followed the document as mentioned above , but the thing is the charting library accessed from Github (from Trading-view) has errors. Can anyone who have come across with the same errors in charting.js file please help me out to solve .
I will be attaching the screenshot of the errors mentioned